Refueling Station

This blog is meant to be a place where moms (new and old) can share stories, insights, frustrations, and laugh about the things only moms can understand. It is a place where you can can pull off to the side of the road for a moment and refuel yourself knowing that you are not the only one ready for a break down.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year, New Post

It's been almost a year since my last post, which is kind of embarrassing, but then again, it does illustrate how demands on your mommying time changes as your kids get older, and the days get shorter. With baby #2 on the way its got me thinking about why I started this blog in the first place. Mostly...thoughts like, "I am I the only one thinking this crazy thought or it this normal" and "Holy cow, did my kid just do that." It's amazing how overwhelming and life altering having your first child is in the whole scheme of life impacting events. Like a 8.5 on the Ricter Scale.

So often being a mom leaves you feeling somewhere between superwoman and a complete failure. Preparing for the birth of our son in the next 8 weeks has got me reminiscing about how different it feels this time around. Now don't get me wrong - I'm still freaking out about the fact that we are going to be dealing with serious sleep deprivation and a 3 year old in addition to a new born, but some how I find comfort in knowing that I've survived it once and will likely survive it again. My hope is to chronicle again what those first weeks, months, and year bring given how dramatically different our family is since the birth of our first child. Here's counting down...