Refueling Station

This blog is meant to be a place where moms (new and old) can share stories, insights, frustrations, and laugh about the things only moms can understand. It is a place where you can can pull off to the side of the road for a moment and refuel yourself knowing that you are not the only one ready for a break down.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Radio Head

Do you know how sometimes you hear something and you couldn't have said it better yourself. After a month of packing, moving, Alaska and remodeling, I can't remember the last time Cassie saw a vegetable - that is unless french fries count as vegetables. Organic...what's that?

This report called "Nuggets" is definitely worth a good laugh:

I love it when moms tell the truth!!! Enjoy.

Monday, July 28, 2008

the baby goes to kindergarten

Auden's first day of kindergarten is tomorrow. So far it looks muddy to me. First, his teacher is in retirement mode and working a 110 contract. This means she isn't starting the school year with the kiddos. She isn't allowed to work in July on this contract, but 110 calendar days... Second, she's a tough teacher, has high expectations, and picky, picky, PICKY. Third, I'm still not sure he's ready. And last but not least, I'm not ready... This is it. The end. Someone else out there has the potential to influence him more than me. And I don't like this teacher. I don't want her to be the one that tears down his imagination, dashes his hopes, or turn him into a bitter, hopeless little boy! I don't want anyone to do that to him. I want him to stay sweet and innocent forever....