Refueling Station

This blog is meant to be a place where moms (new and old) can share stories, insights, frustrations, and laugh about the things only moms can understand. It is a place where you can can pull off to the side of the road for a moment and refuel yourself knowing that you are not the only one ready for a break down.

Monday, October 15, 2007

How "The Bachelor" taught me about gratitude

So here's my dilemma - I am sitting here writing this blog while I have loads of laundry that need to get done (I think I'm wearing my last pair of clean underwear), the dishwasher door is lying open (no really) waiting for me to fill it with the sink full of dirty dishes, not to mention the pile of clean clothes that are heaped over the bench at the bottom of my bed waiting to be put back onto hangers. I'm actually making myself sit here and write this blog right now because I told myself that this was going to be something I did for me that wasn't a chore. These days cleaning up the house at the end of the night is what I do to pleasure myself. It's sick, I know.

Last week was a tough one around the Gotreau casa. Cassie came down with a stuffy nose and then I got some horrible mutation of her mild cold that put me on my butt for 3 days. Of course, Cassie's biggest problem was that she couldn't sleep well which meant that mommy wasn't going to be sleeping well either. Somehow each morning, however, she woke up chipper as a jay bird while I could barely get myself to crawl out of bed. Scott offered to stay home from work, but really...that was going to be more work than help. When I'm sick, I want to be left alone. I quickly realized that a sick mommy with a sick child is probably the closest thing to hell that I have experienced in my life. It was worse than being in labor - I'd take labor over that anyday! I kept telling myself that it would only last a couple of days and to "take it one day at at time". I'm happy to say that I made it to the other side alive.

Okay, so I'm off to do the dishes, laundry, and conquer the pile of hanging clothes before "The Bachelor" comes on. I know, I know...but somehow the show makes me feel better about my own life. Maybe it's that I get to watch it with my husband lying beside me and the beautiful blessing sleeping down the hall...

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