Refueling Station

This blog is meant to be a place where moms (new and old) can share stories, insights, frustrations, and laugh about the things only moms can understand. It is a place where you can can pull off to the side of the road for a moment and refuel yourself knowing that you are not the only one ready for a break down.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday Night Lights

Do you remember when at 7:15 on a Friday night you were just starting to think about getting dressed, putting on make-up, doing your hair, and going out for the night? My friends and I wouldn't even leave the house until 10pm. I go to bed by 10pm most nights now! Actually, I'm so tired right now that I'm not exactly sure if that happened or it's a dream I had that just seems really real. I graduated from college right?
So it's been a big week in our house. Cassie cut a tooth and finally figured out how to crawl. She's still not totally enraptured with the whole crawling activity yet, but she has figured out that she can get to things she wants by crawling and this encourages her. To tell you the truth, I felt a little sad when she the edge of her tooth emerged. Now I know that sounds a bit crazy, and maybe I'm the only one who's ever felt this way, but I actually felt tears welling up when I picked her up from the babysitter and she said she's cut a tooth. I mean have teeth, adults have little baby girl does not have teeth. I was acutely aware that we passed from infant world into baby world and there's no going back. It's irrational, I know, but the whole point of this blog is to share the mommy experience without judgement so I'm saying it for all you to read. If I can't handle a tooth, how the heck am I going to let her go to school or on a date? This is how people get pregnant with their second baby isn't it? It's crazy how you forget...and so quickly. Those first 6 weeks are tough and really the first 3 months I simply survived. I'm going to resist the urge to talk my husband in to it for a while longer by remembering that it will still be another 18 years before I'll be able to hit the town in something other than my pajamas or sweat pants.

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