Refueling Station

This blog is meant to be a place where moms (new and old) can share stories, insights, frustrations, and laugh about the things only moms can understand. It is a place where you can can pull off to the side of the road for a moment and refuel yourself knowing that you are not the only one ready for a break down.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Conference Call - Fantasy Weekend

For those of you interested in helping to plan the Mom's Retreat (see June 15, 2008 blog titled "Fantasy Weekend"), a conference call has been scheduled for Wed., Sept. 10th at 9:00pm. If you'd like to join us, please call into the following number:


When prompted, dial passcode: 1005278# (Be sure to include the # when entering the passcode).

About Breast Cancer

My good friend, Katherine, whose mother died of breat cancer at a young age sent this to me. It is worth watching. Sometimes I get scared by these sorts of reports, but I found this one empowering. Please watch the video link about Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC)below:

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Creative Parenting

For about 10 seconds I actually thought about it...okay, maybe 30 seconds!
P.S. This is not Cassie!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

When 17 Months is the New 2

Okay, this is a cry for child has been possessed by a demon. My once beautiful, smart, sweet little girl has episodes of the following:

1) She arches her back, kicks her feet when I try to put her in her carseat
2) She runs the opposite direction when I call her to come
3) She flops herself on the ground and throws a fit when I try to pick her up
4) She screams, cries, and whines
5) She tells me "no" and then smirks at me

Have any of you seen these symptoms exhibited in your children? From what I've heard, the screaming and whining might be a characterisitcs that typically manifest themselves in little girls. These episodes are sporadic and seem to be brought on by fatigue, but can happen at anytime without warning. They also seem to be especially pronounced in public. Help!

-Frazzled Mother